Use "prophet|prophetess|prophetesses|prophets" in a sentence

1. 11 synonyms for hAruspex: augur, auspex, diviner, foreteller, prophesier, prophet, prophetess, seer

2. Prophetess Landingpage Assentatious

3. It appears that the prophet ....... preceded the prophets Isaiah and Micah. [si p. 146 par.

4. False prophetesses were denounced too.

5. Samuel is commonly called the first of the line of men called “the prophets.” —Ac 3:24; 13:20; see PROPHET.

6. It is addressed to all mankind by the one who is the Prophet of prophets, the Teacher of teachers, the Son of God, the Messiah.

7. Prophets and Kings

8. Old Testament Prophets

9. The Prophetess is a mercantile vessel, not an underground railroad for escaping slaves.

10. Profits made, prophets ignored.

11. Follow the Prophets’ Counsel

12. Follow the Counsel of Prophets

13. + 32 And gifts of the spirit of the prophets are to be controlled by the prophets.

14. When the Bible first introduces Deborah, it refers to her as “a prophetess.”

15. Biblicists are trained in philology, not psychology—trained to study the prophets, not to become prophets themselves

16. The Pouting Prophet

17. " Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, " to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication.

18. I know that the Prophet Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration.

19. I know the Prophet Joseph Smith was foreordained as the prophet of the Restoration.

20. Do you, King Agrippa, believe the Prophets?

21. Judah’s priests and prophets stagger (7-13)

22. As Kings, priests and prophets were anointed.

23. Happy to Be Persecuted Like the Prophets

24. Though only a few women in the scriptures are called prophetesses, many prophesied, such as Rebekah, Hannah, Elisabeth, and Mary.

25. Just as the prophet Alma was able to tell Moroni how to defend the Nephites against their enemies, the Lord’s prophets today teach us how to defend ourselves against the spiritual attacks of the adversary.

26. Let no self-appointed prophetess seek to manipulate others in the present-day Christian congregation!

27. 4 Now Debʹo·rah, a prophetess,+ the wife of Lapʹpi·doth, was judging Israel at that time.

28. He has closed your eyes, the prophets,+

29. As kings, priests and prophets were anointed. "

30. 4 Her prophets are insolent, treacherous men.

31. The Bibbling Prophets is creating Holy Bibble Comics

32. Anointings Today God is still anointing prophets today

33. 4:8 —Why did Barak insist that the prophetess Deborah go with him to the battlefield?

34. Jehovah Disciplines His Wayward Prophet

35. Our prophet, President Thomas S.

36. Prophets Teach Us to Live the Restored Gospel

37. Removal of idols and false prophets (1-6)

38. Master Prophet, Biafran Spiritual leader

39. Which of the prophets did your ancestors not persecute?

40. The light provided through these prophets was precious indeed.

41. Prophets testify of Jesus Christ and teach His gospel.

42. 10 min: “Take as a Pattern the Prophets —Habakkuk.”

43. He will send Elijah the prophet.”

44. I'm afraid I'm no weather prophet.

45. Put faith in his prophets and so prove successful.”

46. Prophets of old foretold the Restoration of the gospel.

47. 3 Jehovah’s prophets often suffered evil or ill-treatment.

48. The prophet Moses provides another example.

49. Joseph Smith—Prophet of the Restoration

50. (Proverbs 16:25) King Ahab wanted to hear only what pleased him; his servants even asked the prophet Micaiah to let his word become “like the word of one of them [Ahab’s flattering prophets], and you must speak good.”

51. 20 What a fine pattern God’s prophets have left us!

52. Both prophets boldly announced that Jerusalem would be destroyed.

53. 16 Many of God’s prophets had very difficult assignments.

54. Soon the prophets of Baal are in a frenzy.

55. As a prophetess, she had the gift of God’s holy spirit, or active force, in a special sense.

56. The man is the prophet E·liʹjah.

57. The Neo-Babylonian Empire and Babylon in the Latter Prophets

58. The pastor and “prophets” loved money; their greed appalled me.

59. So God told Ezekiel to counterprophesy against these lying prophets.

60. Living prophets and apostles teach, expound, exhort, warn, and testify.

61. The false prophets of Micah’s time were warned of what?

62. In the Bible, we read about prophets who lived anciently.

63. Vatican Betrays Virgin Mary for Prophet Muhammad

64. The prophet pleads with Jehovah (12-17)

65. I am not a prophet of doom.

66. The prophet Jeremiah had the same experience.

67. A seer is greater than a prophet.

68. The Anointed and the prophets were the Children of Israel

69. Following the words of the prophets and living the commandments

70. So they proceeded to act as prophets in the camp.

71. Prophets warn against sin and teach salvation through Jesus Christ.

72. Plague, war, corruption false prophets, false idols, worship of gold.

73. Such inequality was roundly condemned by the Old Testament prophets.

74. As Israel again begins to cry out to Jehovah, He raises up Judge Barak, ably supported by the prophetess Deborah.

75. The prophet Beseeches God for his people

76. Joseph is the prophet of the Restoration.

77. Chart: Prophets and Kings of Judah and of Israel (Part 1)

78. + 28 But her prophets have plastered over their deeds with whitewash.

79. The prophet Malachi prophesied that before the Savior’s Second Coming, the prophet Elijah would be sent to the earth.

80. They are prophets of the deceit of their own heart.